Stop, look, listen

You probably heard your teachers and parents say this to you as a kid. I bet you never thought to apply it to photography though.

Last weekend I was out taking pictures at the Pittsford Nature Center with my friend Rich and there didn't seem to be a lot going on. Typical nature scenes, a couple distant birds, nothing really to write home about. So I decided to do something not so many people do when they are out taking pictures. I just stood there and listened. After a few minutes I started to hear some rustling in the leaves near by me.

Pittsford Nature Center

I saw this small snake stick his head up out of the leaves, and since I wasn't walking around or in a hurry, he wasn't either. He let me get within 3 feet of him to take his picture. So here's an easy tip to use next time your out taking pictures. Stop, look, and listen, you never know what great photos are hiding right next to you.